Fly AirAsia at Rs 99 to seven cities in India BENGALURU: Low-cost airline AirAsia India today started its sale for promotional base fare from Rs 99 upwards. Iit would fly passengers from Monday to seven cities across the country at the discounted price. "The promotional fares start from Rs 99 under the dynamic pricing to cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, New Delhi, Pune and Ranchi," it said in a statement here. Passengers can book from Monday up to January 21 and avail the offer to travel from January 15 to July 31," said the statement. The low-cost fare offer is on all flights of the group network, including AirAsia India, AirAsia Berhad, Thai AirAsia, AirAsia X and Indonesia AirAsia X discount applies to bookings made through and AirAsia mobile app," added the statement. In the $30 million joint venture, Tata Sons Ltd has 51 per cent equity stake and Air Asia Investment Ltd of Malaysia holds the balance 49 pe...